Não sei se isso ajuda, mas aqui está os ajustes que fiz em _config.yml:
# title: This will be displayed as the website's name in your browser tab.
title: Karenina Arch
# description: This will be meta HTML tag content. This can be ignored.
description: Personal website powered by Jekyll
# baseurl: The subpath of your site
# > set this to "", if you renamed the repository to <user>.github.io
**baseurl: "/Zkkareninateste.github.io"**
**url: https://ZKKareninateste.github.io/**
# username: This will displayed on the landing page as your name.
username: Karenina Arch
# typing_text: This will be typed before 'scroll down for more'.
# > set this to your job title, e.g. Fullstack Developer
typing_text: Jekyll Theme
# email: Your E-Mail address for the email button.
email: fleshpaulo@gmail.com
# For every social button you want to display, set your username or userid
# If you do not use one of the following websites, then leave it empty
# > twitter_username:
github_username: ZKKarenina
dev_username: karenina_arch
twitter_username: karenina_arch
# show_aboutme_card:
# > setting this to true, will display the About Me section
# > setting this to false, will omit the About Me section
show_aboutme_card: true
# about_me_title: The will be displayed as the title in the About Me section
about_me_title: Sobre mim
# about_me_description: <p>Olá a todes!</p>
<p>Eu sou a Ana Paula, e sejam todes bem vindes ao Karenina Arch!</p>
<p>Gosto de ser chamada por Karenina Arch, por amar a obra literária Anna Kariênina e ser apaixonada pelo sistema operacional Arch Linux.</p>
<p>Tenho por objetivo fazer deste espaço um repositório e plataforma de divulgação de meus estudos em programação, matemática e design. Gosto muito de aprender, e por usar muitos programas GNU e admirar a filosofia open source, pretendo compartilhar o que for aprendendo.</p>
<p>Todo conteúdo aqui publicado, estará protegido sob Licença de Documentação Livre GNU (FDL) https://www.gnu.org/licenses/fdl-1.3.html, pois acredito fortemente no estudo e trabalho em equipe para desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, portanto, nada mais coerente do que o compartilhamento de minha aprendizagem.</p> <a class="highlight-link" href="https://github.com/longpdo/neumorphism" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"> Github </a>. You can also find me on <a class="highlight-link" href="https://jamstackthemes.dev/theme/jekyll-neumorphism/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">JAMstack Themes</a> and on <a class="highlight-link" href="https://jekyll-themes.com/neumorphism/" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer">Jekyll Themes</a>.
# show_skills_card:
# > setting this to true, will display the Skills section
# > setting this to false, will omit the Skills section
show_skills_card: true
# about_me_title: The will be displayed as the title in the Skills section
skills_title: Habilidades
# show_timeline_card:
# > setting this to true, will display the Timeline section
# > setting this to false, will omit the Timeline section
show_timeline_card: true
# timeline_title: The will be displayed as the title in the Timeline section
timeline_title: Education & Experience
# cv_download_link: The link where you host your cv.
# > e.g. you share your cv on your dropbox, then add the dropbox link here
cv_download_link: https://example.com/
# show_projects_card:
# > setting this to true, will display the Projects section
# > setting this to false, will omit the Projects section
show_projects_card: true
# show_projects:
# > setting this to true, will display your listed projects in _data/projects.yml
# > setting this to false, will omit your listed projects
show_projects: true
# projects_title: The will be displayed as the title of your projects
projects_title: Projects
# show_os_projects:
# > setting this to true, will display your public projects on github
# > setting this to false, will omit your public projects on github
show_os_projects: true
# os_projects_title: The will be displayed as the title of your open source projects
os_projects_title: Projetos
# show_contact_card:
# > setting this to true, will display the Contact section
# > setting this to false, will omit the Contact section
show_contact_card: true
# contact_title: The will be displayed as the title in the Contact section
contact_title: Contact
# contact_description: This will be displayed under the title.
contact_description: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. If you like this theme and want to use it for yourself, checkout the source code and the documentation at <a class="highlight-link" href="https://github.com/longpdo/neumorphism" target="_blank" rel="noreferrer"> Github </a>.
# Set this to your forked repository
# > e.g. <user>/<user>.github.io
repository: ZKKarenina/ZKKareninateste
# sortby:
# > set this to pushed, if you want to sort your github repositories by time.
# > set this to stars, if you want to sort your github repositories by stars.
sort_by: pushed
# archived:
# > setting this to true, will exclude archived repositories
# > setting this to false, will also display archived repositories
archived: true
# forks:
# > setting this to true, will exclude forked repositories
# > setting this to false, will also display forked repositories
forks: true
# projects: A list of the repository names you want to exclude from the listing.
# - repo1-to-be-excluded
# - repo2-to-be-excluded
# Set the id, if you want to track your website with Google Analytics
# > set this to "", if you do not want to track with Google Analytics
id: "UA-158757509-2"
- "jekyll-github-metadata"