Boa tarde a todos!
Eu fui aprovado em um emprego novo. Para desempenhar minhas atividades, tirei um certificado digital do modelo ePass 2003.
Como estou utilizando o Fedora em meu notebook, fui atrás de instruções sobre como utilizá-lo e encontrei uma pasta no drive que promete torná-lo acessível “to any Linux distribution”. O readme dessa pasta diz o seguinte:
Copyright (C) 2009-2014 EnterSafe.
EnterSafe Castle SDK For Linux
This package is EnterSafe Castle SDK with Cryptoki(PKCS#11) for Linux.It now supports ePass2003,ePass2003auto USB tokens.
How to use it
1: This package is green software that you needn't to install it,you can copy it to system library dir or any where just you want.
2: For non-root user can communication with USB key,we must change the mode of the USB key's device file,we offer two shell scripts to do this. su to root and execute "sh" at first time before insert the USB key,if you don't used this SDK, just execute "sh".
3: If your system enable selinux, you need execute "chcon -t texrel_shlib_t".
4: This support max 256 USB key in it.
5: For mozilla firefox or thunder bird mail
Run mozilla, open the menu "Edit"--->"Preferences"--->"Private & Security" ---->"Certificates" ---> "Manage Security Devices", and then add our "/your path/" to mozilla.
if your firefox or thunderbird's install directory is /usr/lib,then
for Firefox enter the directory redist/NSS_Firefox_register,then if you add module,sh A moduleName
,and if you delete module sh D moduleName.
for Thunderbird enter the directory redist/NSS_Thunderbird_register,then if you add module,sh A moduleName
,and if you delete module sh D moduleName.
File List
The introduce of main files.
config: This dir include two shell files that to change the usb device file's mode. Change the system configures. Unchanged the system configures.
docs: Contain some documents about this SDK.
readme: This file.
redist: Contain library file and user manager tool. EnterSafe Shuttle Linux PKCS#11 library.
pkimanager : User pki manager.
pkimanager_admin: Administrator pki manager.
NSS_Firefox_register ::register Firefox p11 tools and shell's file
nssFirefox :register Firefox execl file . :shell file
NSS_Thunderbird_register ::register Thunderbird p11 tools shell's file
nssThunderbird : register Thunderbird execl file . : shell file
sample: Contain the include file and some sample source.
Change log
Version 2014-11-28
EnterSafe Castle Linux released at fourth times.
Version 2014-10-17
EnterSafe Castle Linux released at third times.
Version 2011-07-13
EnterSafe Castle Linux released at second times.
Version 2009-04-03
EnterSafe Castle Linux released at first times.
Eu estou pedindo ajuda por duas razões que estão tirando o meu sono:
- Ele mexe com SELinux. E como se trata de uma questão de segurança, ainda mais relacionada ao uso de um certificado digital, eu estou inseguro de seguir as instruções e criar alguma vulnerabilidade; e
- O README diz que basta copiar para o diretório de bibliotecas do sistema, ou qualquer outro diretório que eu quiser. Mas quais arquivos copiar? Eu os copio para a pastar
Ficarei grato caso puderem me ajudar.