Repositório Debian Testing puxando Unstable / Dúvida


Eu instalei o Debian Testing e a minha sources list é a seguinte:

Debian Main Repos

deb deb. debian. org/debian/ testing main contrib non-free
deb-src deb debian. org/debian/ testing main contrib non-free

deb deb. debian. org/debian/ testing-updates main contrib non-free
deb-src deb.debian. org/debian/ testing-updates main contrib non-free

deb security. debian .org testing-security main contrib non-free
deb-src security. debian. org testing-security main contrib non-free

Porém, eu utilizo a VPN Wireguard e tive que utilizar o repositório unstable para instalar com os seguintes comandos:

echo “deb deb. debian. org/debian/ unstable main” > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/unstable.list

printf ‘Package: *\nPin: release a=unstable\nPin-Priority: 90\n’ > /etc/apt/preferences.d/limit-unstable

apt update

apt install wireguard

Ao atualizar o sistema com apt update eu vejo que ele retorna:
apt update
Atingido:1 security. debian. org testing-security InRelease
Atingido:2 deb. debian. org/debian testing InRelease
Ign:3 dl. google. com/linux/chrome/deb stable InRelease
Atingido:4 deb. debian. org/debian testing-updates InRelease
Obter:5 deb. debian. org/debian unstable InRelease [149 kB]
Atingido:6 dl. google. com/linux/chrome/deb stable Release
Obter:8 deb. debian. org/debian unstable/main amd64 Packages [8.393 kB]
Obter:9 deb. debian. org/debian unstable/main Translation-pt [316 kB]
Obter:10 deb. debian. org/debian unstable/main Translation-pt_BR [704 kB]
Obter:11 deb. debian. org/debian unstable/main Translation-en [6.291 kB]
Obter:12 deb. debian. org/debian unstable/main amd64 DEP-11 Metadata [3.943 kB]
Obter:13 deb. debian. org/debian unstable/main DEP-11 48x48 Icons [3.947 kB]
Obter:14 deb. debian. org/debian unstable/main DEP-11 64x64 Icons [7.909 kB]
Obter:15 deb. debian. org/debian unstable/main DEP-11 128x128 Icons [13,3 MB]

Eu vejo que ele puxa o repositório unstable, eu não terei problema? Já que optei pelo testing como pode ver no meu sources list postado?

Don’t make a FrankenDebian
Debian Stable should not be combined with other releases. If you’re trying to install software that isn’t available in the current Debian Stable release, it’s not a good idea to add repositories for other Debian releases. The problems might not happen right away, but the next time you install updates.

Isso não é recomendável. Leia esse artigo fundamental da Debian Wiki: DontBreakDebian - Debian Wiki

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Acho que com

Eu ACHO que com esse comando você instalou não só o wireguard do unstable mas também todas as dependências dele. Mas não tenho certeza.

De qualquer forma isso não é algo recomendável pelo time do Debian.

Na verdade não reparei direito que você ta usando o testing e puxando do unstable. Nesse caso a wiki parece dizer que não há problema se for bem configurada a ordem de prioridade:

Best practices for Testing users
It is a good idea to include unstable and experimental in your apt sources so that you have access to newer packages when needed. With the APT::Default-Releaseapt config setting or with apt pinning you can have packages from testing by default but if you manually upgrade some packages to unstable or experimental, then you will get upgrades within that suite until those packages migrate down to unstable or testing. The apt pinning needs priorities between 1000 and 500 for this to work nicely. You can also pin some packages to unstable/experimental that you always want the latest versions of.

Link: DebianTesting - Debian Wiki

Mas se você for na página de “Pinning”:

When pinning, you must ensure compatibility of packages by yourselfsince Debian does not guarantee it. Note that pinning is completely optional, and Debian does not encourage pinningwithout thorough consideration.
Seriously, don’t do this. Doing this will break Debian and leave you with a system that doesn’t work and can’t be fixed. Use Backports instead!

Link: AptConfiguration - Debian Wiki

Recomendo você ler toda essa página do “APT-preferences” com calma.

Presta atenção nessa parte:

Installing from unstable
Let’s assume that we’re running testing and we want to try enlightenment from unstable . There are basically two methods for installing:

apt install enlightenment/unstable
apt -t unstable install enlightenment

The first will not attempt to upgrade any packages on your system, so if specific dependencies are not met, the install will fail. The second method will attempt to install/upgrade any dependencies. Of course, given the above example, ‘apt’ will ask you before proceeding.

Você instalou usando o apt install, então, como eu disse, talvez tenha instalado dependências do unstable.

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