Problema com o gnome-shell após executar o comando "gnome-shell --replace & disown"

Olá, já faz algum tempo que fiz restauração do sistema linux do meu notebook por um descuido meu de remover arquivos do sistema. Após essa restauração ele ficou diferente de como veio de fábrica (fundo, organização dos programas, inicialização, barra de tarefas, configuração…).

Já estava me acostumando mas queria voltar ao que era antes, que era tudo do jeito Gnome, então resolvi pesquisar sobre o Gnome e suas extensões. Então vi que o programa “Extensões” do Gnome não conseguia funcionar corretamente então pesquisei como recuperar, onde a maioria dos lugares que pesquisava falava para usar o comando no terminal “gnome-shell --replace & disown” para restaurar.

Assim o fiz, e deu certo mas apareceu essa mensagem no terminal:

[1] 15066
Foxima@localhost:~$ libmutter-Message: 10:39:17.014: Running GNOME Shell (using mutter 43.8) as a X11 window and compositing manager

** (gnome-shell:15066): WARNING **: 10:39:17.422: ATK Bridge is disabled but a11y has already been enabled.
GNOME Shell-Message: 10:39:18.329: Failed to register AuthenticationAgent
Dash to Dock-Message: 10:39:18.580: Failed to import DBusMenu, quicklists are not avaialble: Error: Requiring Dbusmenu, version none: Typelib file for namespace 'Dbusmenu' (any version) not found

(gnome-shell:15066): AppIndicator-and-KStatusNotifierItem-Support-WARNING **: 10:39:18.924: Failed to acquire org.kde.StatusNotifierWatcher
GNOME Shell-Message: 10:39:19.362: Error looking up permission: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.portal.Error.NotFound: No entry for geolocation

(gnome-shell:15066): AppIndicator-and-KStatusNotifierItem-Support-WARNING **: 10:39:19.412: Using Brute-force mode for StatusNotifierItem org.kde.StatusNotifierItem-3112-1

(gnome-shell:15066): AppIndicator-and-KStatusNotifierItem-Support-WARNING **: 10:39:19.476: Using Brute-force mode for StatusNotifierItem :1.100@/org/blueman/sni
Window manager warning: Overwriting existing binding of keysym 36 with keysym 36 (keycode f).
Window manager warning: Overwriting existing binding of keysym 31 with keysym 31 (keycode a).
Window manager warning: Overwriting existing binding of keysym 34 with keysym 34 (keycode d).
Window manager warning: Overwriting existing binding of keysym 38 with keysym 38 (keycode 11).
Window manager warning: Overwriting existing binding of keysym 33 with keysym 33 (keycode c).
Window manager warning: Overwriting existing binding of keysym 39 with keysym 39 (keycode 12).
Window manager warning: Overwriting existing binding of keysym 32 with keysym 32 (keycode b).
Window manager warning: Overwriting existing binding of keysym 37 with keysym 37 (keycode 10).
Window manager warning: Overwriting existing binding of keysym 35 with keysym 35 (keycode e).

(gnome-shell:15066): Clutter-WARNING **: 10:39:20.319: Can't update stage views actor <unnamed>[<Gjs_ui_workspaceThumbnail_ThumbnailsBox>:0x56152d6c7760] is on because it needs an allocation.

(gnome-shell:15066): Clutter-WARNING **: 10:39:20.319: Can't update stage views actor <unnamed>[<Gjs_ui_workspaceThumbnail_WorkspaceThumbnail>:0x56152f420c60] is on because it needs an allocation.

(gnome-shell:15066): Clutter-WARNING **: 10:39:20.319: Can't update stage views actor <unnamed>[<ClutterActor>:0x56152ec6da60] is on because it needs an allocation.

(gnome-shell:15066): Clutter-WARNING **: 10:39:20.319: Can't update stage views actor <unnamed>[<ClutterActor>:0x56152ec6dd90] is on because it needs an allocation.

(gnome-shell:15066): Clutter-WARNING **: 10:39:20.319: Can't update stage views actor <unnamed>[<Gjs_ui_workspaceThumbnail_WindowClone>:0x5615302c84e0] is on because it needs an allocation.

(gnome-shell:15066): Clutter-WARNING **: 10:39:20.319: Can't update stage views actor <unnamed>[<ClutterClone>:0x5615302c64b0] is on because it needs an allocation.

(gnome-shell:15066): Clutter-WARNING **: 10:39:20.319: Can't update stage views actor <unnamed>[<Gjs_ui_workspacesView_WorkspacesDisplay>:0x56152d5e0d10] is on because it needs an allocation.

(gnome-shell:15066): Clutter-WARNING **: 10:39:20.319: Can't update stage views actor <unnamed>[<Gjs_ui_workspacesView_WorkspacesView>:0x5615302e1c70] is on because it needs an allocation.

(gnome-shell:15066): Clutter-WARNING **: 10:39:20.319: Can't update stage views actor <unnamed>[<Gjs_ui_workspace_Workspace>:0x5615302c3920] is on because it needs an allocation.

(gnome-shell:15066): Clutter-WARNING **: 10:39:20.319: Can't update stage views actor <unnamed>[<ClutterActor>:0x5615302e8890] is on because it needs an allocation.

(gnome-shell:15066): Clutter-WARNING **: 10:39:20.319: Can't update stage views actor <unnamed>[<Gjs_ui_windowPreview_WindowPreview>:0x5615302e4d30] is on because it needs an allocation.

(gnome-shell:15066): Clutter-WARNING **: 10:39:20.319: Can't update stage views actor <unnamed>[<ClutterActor>:0x5615302e8bc0] is on because it needs an allocation.

(gnome-shell:15066): Clutter-WARNING **: 10:39:20.320: Can't update stage views actor <unnamed>[<ClutterClone>:0x5615302c6b50] is on because it needs an allocation.

(gnome-shell:15066): Clutter-WARNING **: 10:39:20.320: Can't update stage views actor <unnamed>[<StIcon>:0x5615302ef0c0] is on because it needs an allocation.
GNOME Shell-Message: 10:39:21.339: GNOME Shell started at Fri Dec 27 2024 10:39:18 GMT-0300 (Horário Padrão de Brasília)
Dash to Dock-Message: 10:39:21.340: Registering session with GDM
Desktop Icons NG (DING)-Message: 10:39:21.376: Launching DING process
DING: Detected async api for thumbnails
DING: ** Message: 10:39:21.729: Connecting to org.freedesktop.Tracker3.Miner.Files
DING: DBus interface for Nautilus (org.freedesktop.FileManager1) is now available.
DING: DBus interface for Gvfs daemon (org.gtk.vfs.Metadata) is now available.
DING: DBus interface for Switcheroo control (net.hadess.SwitcherooControl) is now available.
DING: DBus interface for File-roller (org.gnome.ArchiveManager1) is now available.
DING: DBus interface for Nautilus (org.gnome.Nautilus.FileOperations2) is now available.
DING: GNOME nautilus 43.2

E se eu usar os comandos normais de update e upgrade aparece de novo a mensagem depois.

Alguém pode me ajudar? Até agora o pc funciona tudo de boa mas fica aparecendo essa mensagem no terminal eu fico com medo de reiniciar e dar ruim.

Paresse que o dash to dock e kstatus estao quebrados remove essas extensoes e reinicia quando chegar na tela de loguin clica escolha a sessao com wayland. ve se muda alguma coisa.
Na verdade remova todas as extensoes e tenta fazer o update depois reinstala.

Eu tirei todas as extensões e reiniciei, não teve a opção iniciar com wayland ele voltou para o Cinnamon onde estava antes de executar o comando para o Gnome e o terminal funcionou corretamente sem a mensagem de error. Obrigada!

Tem como eu voltar ao Gnome sem dar esse erro? Se eu tentar iniciar a sessão com o Gnome classic ele não inicia e com o outro dá problema. As extensões eu não consigo entrar mais para reinstalar pq o programa dá erro

Se fosse vc faria um backup das coisas importantes caso algo de errado e
removeria o gnome completamente e reinstalava depois.
Pelo que vi no seu profile esta usando o debian certo?
entao para remover o gnome o comando e:
sudo apt purge --autoremove gnome-shell
para reinstalar:

sudo apt update && sudo apt install task-gnome-desktop

Não precisa ter medo:

Reinicia o GNOME

Desassocia o “gnome-shell --replace” do terminal, então se fechar o terminal ele continua aberto, reiniciar não vai fazer mal

Após reiniciar:

  • Abre o gestor de arquivos e pressiona CTRL+H para mostrar arquivos ocultos
  • Navega por .local → share → gnome-shell → extensions
  • E apaga tudo que estiver, pressiona CTRL+H de novo para ocultar arquivos ocultos

E reinicia, em teoria o GNOME Extensions deve voltar a funcionar

1 curtida

Valeu, eu fiz o backup ontem para precaver e hoje usei esses dois comandos e consegui reiniciar e colocar o Gnome.

Muito obrigada!

1 curtida

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