Nem sempre acontece, mas às vezes (normalmente quando deixo o notebook ligado durante várias horas) quando vou desligar, a tela apaga e fica só a luz do teclado e cooler ligado. E neste caso a única forma de o desligar é ficar pressionando o botão de power.
Eu ativei a Magic SysRq Key, mas a combinação (REISUO, que serve para desligar o PC) não funciona neste caso (eu testei quando a máquina está funcionando normal, e a combinação funciona).
Já presenciei este problema com os seguintes sistemas:
- EndeavourOS (XFCE e Gnome)
- PopOS
De momento, estou usando o EndeavourOS com Gnome. Eu guardei o dmesg e o journalctl da última vez que isso ocorreu (vou deixar aqui em baixo):
dmesg capturando apenas erros e warnings
[ 32.554151] i2c_hid_acpi i2c-ELAN1300:00: device returned incorrect report (2 vs 14 expected)
[ 35.394215] Bluetooth: hci0: Malformed MSFT vendor event: 0x02
[ 35.401279] Bluetooth: hci0: Reading supported features failed (-16)
** journalctl -p err -b
kernel: x86/cpu: SGX disabled by BIOS.kernel:
kernel: x86/cpu: SGX disabled by BIOS.kernel:
kernel: i2c_hid_acpi i2c-ELAN1300:00: device returned incorrect report (2 vs 14 expected)
kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: Malformed MSFT vendor event: 0x02
kernel: Bluetooth: hci0: Reading supported features failed (-16)
bluetoothd[640]: src/adapter.c:reset_adv_monitors_complete() Failed to reset Adv Monitors: Failed (0x03)
bluetoothd[640]: Failed to clear UUIDs: Failed (0x03)
bluetoothd[640]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
bluetoothd[640]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
bluetoothd[640]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
bluetoothd[640]: Failed to set mode: Failed (0x03)
bluetoothd[640]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
bluetoothd[640]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
bluetoothd[640]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
bluetoothd[640]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
bluetoothd[640]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
bluetoothd[640]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
bluetoothd[640]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
gdm-password][1379]: gkr-pam: unable to locate daemon control file
bluetoothd[640]: Failed to remove UUID: Failed (0x03)
bluetoothd[640]: Failed to remove UUID: Failed (0x03)
bluetoothd[640]: Failed to remove UUID: Failed (0x03)
bluetoothd[640]: Failed to remove UUID: Failed (0x03)
systemd[1398]: Failed to start Application launched by gnome-session-binary.
systemd[1398]: Failed to start Application launched by gnome-session-binary.
bluetoothd[640]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
bluetoothd[640]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
bluetoothd[640]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
bluetoothd[640]: Failed to add UUID: Failed (0x03)
Gostava de saber o que pode estar fazendo isto acontecer.